Monday, December 31, 2018

Initiative Q

Join tomorrow's currency, today


Photo - Thanks Shirley Marsh. Competition.... Someone must lose. At the moment, it is the environment and our general planetary happiness. And we will all suffer as the planet gets dirtier and dirtier. The dating game seems to be the same. Guys and girls in constant competition. The rich alpha guy attracts the girls. Girls compete in looks, clothes and so on. And so once again, the insane profit motive is used to get rich to get the girl, and the Calvinist predestination principle is used to say the rich go to heaven, and the poor and sick go to hell, and let's wreck the environment, too. How can we develop cooperation? Can we co-operate enough to save the world? Can we as males and females work together and create a beautiful world of Ease, Joy and Glory? Can we? How? The first steps seem to me is to get to know each other. We can do this by joining sites like,, or similar sites I have set up. And let's share our skills at so that we can create a beautiful world. and Let's create heaven on earth instead of hell on earth. Please just send a blank email to join to to start. Then I can show you other sites that may be of interest to you. Let's change the rules of the game on planet Earth so we can all enjoy it,and help make beautiful lives for everyone and act as humans with a conscious creative mind, instead of destroying the planet. Best wishes for a very happy new year everyone, and many more of them. Clem Clarke.

Thanks Shirley Marsh. Competition.... Someone must lose. At the moment, it is the environment and our general planetary happiness. And we will all suffer as the planet gets dirtier and dirtier.

The dating game seems to be the same. Guys and girls in constant competition. The rich alpha guy attracts the girls. Girls compete in looks, clothes and so on. And so once again, the insane profit motive is used to get rich to get the girl, and the Calvinist predestination principle is used to say the rich go to heaven, and the poor and sick go to hell, and let's wreck the environment, too.

How can we develop cooperation?

Can we co-operate enough to save the world?

Can we as males and females work together and create a beautiful world of Ease, Joy and Glory?

Can we?


The first steps seem to me is to get to know each other. We can do this by joining sites like,, or similar sites I have set up.

And let's share our skills at so that we can create a beautiful world. and

Let's create heaven on earth instead of hell on earth.

Please just send a blank email to join to to start. Then I can show you other sites that may be of interest to you.

Let's change the rules of the game on planet Earth so we can all enjoy it,and help make beautiful lives for everyone and act as humans with a conscious creative mind, instead of destroying the planet.

Best wishes for a very happy new year everyone, and many more of them.

Clem Clarke.
10 Facts About The Arab Enslavement Of Black People Not Taught In Schools

The Number of People Enslaved The number of people enslaved by Muslims has been a hotly debated topic, especially when the millions of Africans forced from their homelands are considered. Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave tra...

Hi Sunda. Have a super New Year's Eve, and may be next year be better than ever. Many blessings.

Hi Sunda. Have a super New Year's Eve, and may be next year be better than ever.

Many blessings.
Costa Rica Plans To Be The First Plastic-Free AND Carbon-Free Country In The World By 2021

Costa Rica is one of the top 5 of countries in the world leading the way in renewable resources. It might be tiny but it has a huge impact environmentally. Since 2014 the country’s energy has come from 99 percent renewable sources; and running on 100%!r(MISSING)enewable energy for more than two months twic...

Saturday, December 29, 2018



What would Jesus say to Cardinal Pell? - Carla van Raay

Cardinal Pell has been found guilty by a Melbourne jury of several sex offences on Dec 11th 2018. The Australian media was ineffectually gagged in the face of another trial coming up in February 2019, as the news immediately spread around the world. Pell’s legal team is no doubt satisfied all the ...
Electronics-Recycling Innovator Going to Prison for Extending Computers' Lives

A renowned e-waste innovator is going to prison for producing 25-cent discs that could’ve saved thousands of computers from the landfill Eric Lundgren built the first “electronic hybrid recycling” facility in the United States, which turns discarded cellphones and other electronics into functi...
David Icke | If you were Chief of CIA Consciousness Ops

If you were Chief of CIA Consciousness Ops   Jon Rappoport 7 hours ago Nature of Reality Guest Content Share Tweet By Jon Rappoport There is an obsession to say that everything is made out of something. Who knows where it started? With the Egyptian pyramid builders? The Sumerians? In the modern er...


Original Woodstock festival site announces plans for 50th anniversary event

A 50th anniversary remembrance of the original Woodstock festival –the cultural touchstone moment that brought an estimated half-million people to a hillside in Bethel, N.Y., for a legendary three-day music festival – will be held at the original site, organizers announced Thursday.
Floating solar panels on farm dams set to cut energy costs

Future water security and energy use is front of mind for farmers. Find out how this innovative renewable technology could transform the simple farm dam.
Switzerland Follows Iceland in Declaring War Against the Banksters

This initiative targets the very heart of global reserve banking, the policy that enables banks to lend money created electronically from nothing whatsoever.
Super Easy Turmeric Latte Recipe (Golden Milk Drink) + Instant Latte Mix

Try this delicious and easy-to-make Turmeric Latte Recipe (Golden Milk Drink) that's caffeine free and tastes similar to a chai latte.

Monday, December 24, 2018

I still say the same! Have a happy Christmas everyone.

I still say the same! Have a happy Christmas everyone.
How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit - Australian National Review

The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree. Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression A study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms...
Chart Exposes in Detail How One Group Controls the Entire World - Australian National Review

There exists a skill that people can acquire, and it can create a whole other dimension of thought that can change a person’s life forever: that skill is the ability to make connections in understanding the relationship between powerful individuals, large corporations, governmental entities, and w...

Sunday, December 23, 2018

People from all over the world are sending emails to Melbourne's trees

Read the weird, funny and philosophical emails that people are sending to Melbourne's trees.


Michelle Grattan

Rudd said he had a simple message for Rupert Murdoch: “you don’t own Australia. Murdoch doesn’t have Australia as his own personal belonging. This country belongs to the working men and women who build Australia.”
School Strike 4 Climate

We are not scientists, but we can read and think... and we think the people over at the CSIRO probably know their stuff.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology State of the Climate 2018 is out and the message is clear. You can check it out for yourself and if feeling TLDR the key points are up front 🌏✌️
Pillai Center

Did you know one miraculous sound can change your life?

It was revealed to Dr. Pillai in the late 1990s by the saint Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra used to be an emperor named Kaushika. He wanted to make everyone of his citizens as wealthy as he was, but was unable to do so through ordinary means.

It is said he meditated intensely for 1,500 years to discover a solution, which resulted in him receiving this sound.

It is said to capable of providing the following benefits:

⭐ Removing scarcity thought-patterns which manifest poverty and suffering.

⭐ Creating and sustaining unlimited wealth, material and spiritual.

⭐ Receiving divine intervention from the saints Vishwamitra and Brzee, and the angels Lakshmi and Vishnu

To download this miraculous sound and a meditation on how to use it for free, visit:

Banks corrupt governments and then facilitate theft by corrupt politicians. Go to Jail !!!!!

#banks #bankripoffs #Malaysia #crime
Tracking the Australian Right Wing & other political extremists

This is rich coming from a Murdoch media outlet - we all know we got the crap NBN Murdoch insisted we have so as not to compete with his *business_political interests* ... "The National Broadband Network is as much as two years behind its completion deadline and the technology needs “billions and billions of dollars” to “catch up”.

The project is also facing a budget blowout of $900 million and, according to experts, could cost millions of dollars more in repair work that has yet to be revealed.

The stark predictions came as NBN Co admitted almost 1.2 million households due to receive one of the faster connections to the $51 billion network were instead stuck in NBN limbo, with more than half of the former pay-TV network deemed in such bad condition it was “unserviceable”.

Broadband and networking experts yesterday urged NBN Co and the Federal Government to ditch the technology — as New Zealand has done — and replace it with faster equipment to rescue the project and its deadline..."

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Big Fix

"He had been trying to remove a coral from the bottom of a tank when it broke into a dozen pieces. To his shock, all of the pieces regrew to the same size in just three short weeks, as opposed to the three years it had taken to grow the original coral."
MPs stop subsidies for burning healthy wood as biomass

One of the reasons for preparing the amendment is the massive deforestation in Slovakia.
The London Economic

What have we become?

- One in 10 Brits know someone who has been made homeless during the last 10 years
- A quarter think it’s possible they could be forced to sleep rough at some point
- 50 per cent of guests in homeless shelter are in full time employment.


This native superfood is 8 times as nutritious as potato and tastes as sweet as coconut

Originally wiped out by pasturing animals, the murnong is now making a comeback that could upstage the common potato.
The Silent Ecocide


From 6 years ago.... Clem

From 6 years ago.... Clem


Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux

The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux What was the role of the Catholic Church in building Western Civilization? While the typical mainstream narrative depicts the church as hostile to science and philosophy, it appears that once again the truth about history has been stolen from us. Dr. Duke Pesta joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the unspoken truth about the impact of the Catholic church on scientific inquiry, philosophy and Western Civilization overall. Dr. Duke Pesta is a tenured university professor, author and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, a Live Online School offering individual classes and complete curricula for students in Kindergarten through High School. For more from Dr. Duke and the FreedomProject Academy, please go to: "How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization" by Tom Woods is highly recommended for a deep exploration of this subject: Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at: