Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hemp processing.

Hemp processing.

One processor goes online, second is planned in New York State

Canada’s Canopy Growth Corp. announced this week it will build its first American-based production facility after it was granted a hemp license in New York.

"Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful." Malcolm Fraser.

"Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful."

Malcolm Fraser.

Malcolm Fraser - Wikiquote

John Malcolm Fraser, AC, CH (21 May 1930 – 20 March 2015), Australian politician and 22nd Prime Minister of Australia, came to power in the circumstances of the dismissal of the Whitlam government. After three election victories and many legislative achievements, he was defeated by Bob Hawke in 19...



With heatwaves like this, what sort of future do we have in store?

I don’t really want to spoil your New Year with this article, but the changing of the year is a time to make plans for the year to come.
Desalination Is Booming. But What About All That Toxic Brine?

Desalination plants turn seawater into drinking water, but also pump hypersaline water back into the environment. That's especially troubling because desal has become extremely popular.
Bio-Printers Are Churning out Living Fixes to Broken Spines

A new study shows that 3D-printing a section of spinal cord, living cells and all, restored movement in injured rats.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ex-Navy chief raises alarm on possible Chinese takeover of Subic shipyard

A former Philippine Navy chief has sounded thealarm over the security and strategic implications on the prospect of a Chinese takeover of a commercial shipyard in Subic.
Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why

Nature News & Comment
Perspective - Glyphosate: 'The most toxic product ever invented by man'

Toxic weedkillers have been banned from gardens across France this month. Households are no longer allowed to stock, never mind use, the chemical compounds, which are deemed a danger to the environment. Industrial use, however, continues. The world's most popular weedkiller, glyphosate, is still bei...



Monday, January 14, 2019

Join me in supporting the Royal Commission into mismanagement of the Murray Darling Campaign

The Darling River is dying. Mass fish deaths at Menindee, dry river beds and toxic blue green algae break outs are proof that the $13 billion Murray Darling Basin Plan is failing. This is not normal. This is a human-caused disaster due to over-extraction and mismanagement. Join us in calling on the....
Insect population COLLAPSE a death warning for all humanity

Scientists are now warning that the insect population is collapsing worldwide. This is a red flag warning sign for humanity because if the insects collapse, the entire food web will implode, leading to global ecological catastrophe. If this happens, the collapse of humanity won’t be far behind. Th...
23 Ways You Can Painlessly Help Cleanse Your Body

By Drew Canole A lot of people hear the word “detox” or “cleanse” and immediately have images of starvation and painful detox symptoms. In reality, there are a lot of things you can do on a daily basis to gently support your body’s detoxification and elimination organs! In the long run, th...
Fortnite Creator is Buying Entire Forests to Prevent Them From Being Chopped Down

Fortnite is one of the biggest games of this decade, and it rose to prominence in a very seemingly organic way. Tim Sweeney, the game’s creator has been at work for decades in fact, developing different, intricate and interactive realms in the digital world for players. However, now he’s making ...
5 Ways The Government Keeps Native Americans In Poverty

As long as tribes are denied the right to control their own resources, they will remain locked in poverty and dependence.


Dream Tiny House With Greenhouse

Here’s an attractive modern home built by Olive Nest Tiny Homes, nicknamed The Elsa, in some ways the tiny house that’s unlike any other tiny house you’ve ever seen. When at it’s destination, the tiny house has a separate trailer that connects with it and has a greenhouse mounted to it. In e...

Hello Rianne Pauls. Been a while! Hope all is good.

Hello Rianne Pauls. Been a while! Hope all is good.
Wife's Happiness Is More Important Than Husband's for A Lasting Relationship, Study Finds

It may just sound like a bias opinion, but the idea ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ does, in fact, hold some real validity.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Russia positions itself to supply the world with organic food

Russia is poised to become the world’s largest supplier of organic foods, after taking a stand against genetically-engineered seeds last summer, saying that it has “chosen a different path.” The decision is based on healthy scepticism as Russia refuses to breeze over the fact that GMOs have no...
How to Survive the Loss of Someone we Can’t Live Without.

Wish time away. Let it pour over you and do what nothing else can—soften the throb of the place your

When I lived in the USA in the70's, I decided that countries run as monarchies were far more pleasant and safer places to be than any Republic. My view has not changed.

When I lived in the USA in the70's, I decided that countries run as monarchies were far more pleasant and safer places to be than any Republic.

My view has not changed.




Free Online Mini-Workshop with Gregg Braden

Let's Create Heaven on Earth


Friday, January 11, 2019

Join Us for our Free Webinar | 3 Secrets to Living a Miraculous Life

My first thought was I probably know everything you’re going to share (I’ve gotten jaded from listening to free online events that didn’t deliver much) but I had the time free so I was like, 'What the heck.’ I honestly feel like my life has opened up in a way that I’ve never experienced be...
The Permaculture Activist

Permaculture Activist, the world’s longest running permaculture journal, needs your support for a new and vibrant online presence.


Archons and more...
Carbon dioxide concentration | NASA Global Climate Change

Vital Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. Current news and data streams about global warming and climate change from NASA.



Professor Steve Keen talks about Trump and the Federal Reserve. Recession to come?
Donald #Trump and the GOP Are #Terrorists

Donald Trump and his GOP supporters are terrorists. Terror is defined as intense overpowering fear. Terrorism is defined as the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. A terror…

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Global warming of oceans equivalent to an atomic bomb per second

Seas absorb 90%!o(MISSING)f climate change’s energy as new research reveals vast heating over past 150 years

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What is money? Peter North, University of Liverpool. - ppt download

Theorising Money The Evolutionqry School. The Evolutionqry School. The Commodity School. The Commodity School. Capitalist Credit Money created by trusted institutions. A claim on commodities in the future. Capitalist Credit Money created by trusted institutions. A claim on commodities in the future....
Can you spare a minute to help Clement Clarke?

103 signatures are still needed! Bring Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, to Australia.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Andrew Harvey wants to save the world. Short video, worth watching...
Tim Freke

Just revived this wonderful message from Marianne from Norway who flew into to take part in our New Year Deep Awakening

"I want to thank you for this wonderful experience. Something happened to me. I really don’t know what, but I just know that this is what I always wanted. I just didn’t know where to find it. And now I know its not a place, but a state.”
Crossing Paths—We are here to Awaken Each Other.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Simon Holmes A'court writes about renewable energy.

Simon Holmes A'court writes about renewable energy.

In 2018 the Australian government chased its energy tail. Here's a more hopeful story | Simon Holmes à Court

While the federal government dithered, business, the states and the public took matters into their own hands to dramatically change the energy picture