Thanks Shirley Marsh. Competition.... Someone must lose. At the moment, it is the environment and our general planetary happiness. And we will all suffer as the planet gets dirtier and dirtier.
The dating game seems to be the same. Guys and girls in constant competition. The rich alpha guy attracts the girls. Girls compete in looks, clothes and so on. And so once again, the insane profit motive is used to get rich to get the girl, and the Calvinist predestination principle is used to say the rich go to heaven, and the poor and sick go to hell, and let's wreck the environment, too.
How can we develop cooperation?
Can we co-operate enough to save the world?
Can we as males and females work together and create a beautiful world of Ease, Joy and Glory?
Can we?
The first steps seem to me is to get to know each other. We can do this by joining sites like,, or similar sites I have set up.
And let's share our skills at so that we can create a beautiful world. and
Let's create heaven on earth instead of hell on earth.
Please just send a blank email to join to to start. Then I can show you other sites that may be of interest to you.
Let's change the rules of the game on planet Earth so we can all enjoy it,and help make beautiful lives for everyone and act as humans with a conscious creative mind, instead of destroying the planet.
Best wishes for a very happy new year everyone, and many more of them.
Clem Clarke.