Mueller Report Makes It Official: Trump a Morally Despicable Human Being
Even though Mueller apparently doesn't believe a sitting president can be indicted, he provides a devastating indictment of Trump's character... Democrats in Congress and talking heads on television will be consumed in the coming weeks by whether the evidence in the Mueller report, especially of obs...
Polly Higgins. She worked so hard for all of us. May she rest in peace.
Please read, and act. Join her group.
Climate Crunch
We've lost a heroine today. Polly Higgins your work will continue.
We must work together to save the environment, and that means US!!!
Join and help
Dishing the dirt on Santos' Queensland oil spill
In May oil spilled from a well in south-west Queensland owned by Australian oil and gas company Santos. In what may be the state’s third largest spill, more than 250,000 litres of oil flowed from the well…
I was at a conference years ago in Perth where Dolores was speaking about this.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Living off the Land
In another major blow to Monsanto, Costco agrees to drop all herbicides containing glyphosate.
The Real Reason The Narcissist Came Into Your Life
Discover Quantum truths that explain why the narcissist came into your life and how to heal from narcissistic abuse, so you can evolve from Victim to Thriver.
David Icke | Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles
Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles Andrew Cheetham 8 hours ago The Police State UK News Share Tweet 'Tonight both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are in jail, both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both ch...