Monday, April 22, 2019

Polly Higgins, lawyer who fought for recognition of 'ecocide', dies aged 50

Campaigner and barrister attempted to create a law to criminalise ecological damage
Rights of the Reef - Australian Centre for the Rights of Nature

Join the movement and transform the system – sign our petition to create new laws that acknowledge the Rights of the Reef to exist, thrive, and evolve.
Mueller Report Makes It Official: Trump a Morally Despicable Human Being

Even though Mueller apparently doesn't believe a sitting president can be indicted, he provides a devastating indictment of Trump's character... Democrats in Congress and talking heads on television will be consumed in the coming weeks by whether the evidence in the Mueller report, especially of obs...
More stunning falls in solar and battery storage costs put fossil fuels on notice

BNEF says stunning cost falls mean clean technologies are beating coal and threatening to steal the grid balancing role from gas-fired plant operators.
Canadian researchers warn of 'cascading impacts' as bumblebee species decline | CBC News

A team of researchers are York University has warned that the American bumblebee is facing imminent extinction from Canada, and this could lead to “cascading impacts” throughout the country.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Polly Higgins. She worked so hard for all of us. May she rest in peace. ===================================================== Please read, and act. Join her group.

Polly Higgins. She worked so hard for all of us. May she rest in peace.
Please read, and act. Join her group.

Climate Crunch

We've lost a heroine today. Polly Higgins your work will continue.




Sir David Attenborough has issued his strongest statement yet on the threat posed to the world by climate change.

Project Yourself

5000 schools together. 1 million ‪‎children are meditating for world ‪‎peace...

Hi Amy Edlin. Thanks for being here!

Hi Amy Edlin. Thanks for being here!
Australia's global corruption ranking sparks urgent calls for federal integrity body

Australia fails to improve on its worst ranking on Transparency International’s corruption perception index
Mountain Gorillas Come Back From Edge of Extinction in Major Conservation Win

"This is a beacon of hope."
We need to stop sanitizing everything and let bacteria back in our lives

Dr. Jack Gilbert wants to make our hospitals dirty. His idea runs counter to hundreds of years of scientific practice. Since a surgeon named Joseph Lister became the first to use antiseptic techniq…
Extinction Rebellion

People have created beautiful things out of love. And some horrible things have been created out of fear.

We can make a new and wonderful future. It is our choice: Extinction or Rebellion.

The International Rebellion is on. Join us. #rebelforlife

Saturday, April 20, 2019

UN Warns 10 Million More Yemenis Expected to Starve to Death by End of Year

According to the UN, up to 18.4 million people in Yemen will starve to death in the face of the Saudi blockade by this December.
Queensland Government failed to charge Santos over massive oil spill despite evidence

Queensland's Environment Department did not charge energy giant Santos over a massive oil spill in 2013, despite having the evidence to do so, it is revealed.


Battlers and plutocrats: How political connections reward Australia's super-rich

Research reveals a huge proportion of Australia's richest people amass their wealth via political connections rather than via innovative businesses - which is helping them at the expense of everyone else.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Adani ignored CSIRO advice on water but mine approved anyway

Carmichael mine approval signed despite Adani refusing to accept key advice from CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, documents prove.

God, this destruction of planet earth has to stop.

God, this destruction of planet earth has to stop.

3,000 Dolphins Found Dead on the Coast of Peru

Biologists believe that oil companies are to blame for the recent dolphin deaths.
Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018

Amazon avoids paying federal tax — for the second year in a row, according to a new report.

Sand martins return after nets removed

The birds' nesting sites were blocked when netting was installed.

We must work together to save the environment, and that means US!!! Join and help

We must work together to save the environment, and that means US!!!

Join and help

Dishing the dirt on Santos' Queensland oil spill

In May oil spilled from a well in south-west Queensland owned by Australian oil and gas company Santos. In what may be the state’s third largest spill, more than 250,000 litres of oil flowed from the well…
EXCLUSIVE: Senator Rice details Australia's faunal extinction emergency

A failure to act on the Senate Inquiry into Faunal Extinction's findings will have profound and irreversible ramifications.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Reaction of the rich to the Notre Dame fire teaches us a lot about the world we live in |

There has been an outpouring of grief and money in the wake of the Notre Dame fire. What does this say about how we process tragedy?
Act on climate change like you did on Notre-Dame, activist Greta Thunberg begs EU

Sweden's teenage activist Greta Thunberg choked backed tears as she warned of climate disaster and urged Europeans to vote in next month's elections to press for decisive action on cutting greenhouse gases.



A NEW Earth?

I was at a conference years ago in Perth where Dolores was speaking about this.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Living off the Land

In another major blow to Monsanto, Costco agrees to drop all herbicides containing glyphosate.
The Real Reason The Narcissist Came Into Your Life

Discover Quantum truths that explain why the narcissist came into your life and how to heal from narcissistic abuse, so you can evolve from Victim to Thriver.
Liberal backbencher Stuart Robert paid independents to take on Labor

Stuart Robert denies any wrongdoing for donating $60,000 to two independent council candidates.
John Pilger: The Assange Arrest Is a Warning From History

Award-winning journalist John Pilger on what the arrest of Julian Assange means for press freedom and democracy.
Ancient oasis 'could run dry' because of Adani mine water plan

An unspoiled desert oasis could run dry forever under Adani’s groundwater plan for its Queensland mine, scientists say.

Sunday, April 14, 2019



'Better financially' to kill suspects than wound them: sheriff

Donny Youngblood has been sheriff of Kern County since he was elected in 2006.

Or people? Thanks Lynnie Yenmania Marnoo

Or people? Thanks Lynnie Yenmania Marnoo

Loans can come back and bite you. Hard.

Loans can come back and bite you. Hard.

The Peace Report

ASSANGE WAS BOUGHT FOR $4.2 BILLION – Former Ecuadorian President confirms IMF loan in exchange for Assange

Interesting Justine Loger Thanks for sharing

Interesting Justine Loger Thanks for sharing
David Icke | Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles

Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles   Andrew Cheetham 8 hours ago The Police State UK News Share Tweet 'Tonight both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are in jail, both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and both ch...